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Who am I, What is this about?

Just realized that I should maybe introduce myself to ya'll right quick.  

My name is Sara.  And launching this blog and website

has always been a dream of mine  I've always wanted a place

to cultivate, learn and share passions.  I wasnt allowed to wear

makeup until I was 16.  Doesnt seem like a big deal but as a

young pre-teen when you're overly exposed to Covergirl,

Clinique, Avon, and feel out of place when

you cant even play with any of it.  Makeup was my forbidden 



 You can look but dont touch.  Once I had a friend let me borrow her makeup bag during homeroom and I finally got my hands on some liquid foundation.  The classic Covergirl liquid in the triangular glass bottle.  It wasnt anywhere near my color and we actually shared an applicator sponge (eek)....but I felt like I had tapped into my feminitiy.  I felt beautiful.  Womanly.  Even though I looked ridiculous and I had to make sure that all the evidence was washed away before my dad got home.You 


Its crazy how applying makeup could make me feel.  And as silly as it sounds, I've always had that feeling.  Something about sitting at a lovely vanity, applying a gorgeous deep red lipstick, or applying the blackest black mascara to the eyelashes....something about these images to me,  screams feminity.  Seduction.  Confidence.  Self-actualzation and respect.  All the womanly qualities that one might desire.  I am not stating that to feel all these things you must apply makeup.  I am simply saying that for some, the art of application has more meaning.  And its not a vain or conceated or even a steroetype to suggest that cosmetics make people feel a certain way.  Are they needed to feel beautiful?  No way.  Must you wear some to cover up so called "flaws"?  Nope.  Are you required to look a certain way to be considered desirable?  Hell no.  I am not advocating for those who feel as though you have to have makeup to look pretty or that  makeup is deceptive.  Its all in good fun.  It should be enjoyable. And if wearing it makes you feel a positive way, thats the whole idea.  Or really, that's my idea.  At the end of the day, wearing cosmetics, applying cosmetics, enhancing ones look or even completely changing it; its self expression.  And it should always be seen as such.


I really hope ya'll enjoy my blog.  Just know that this is something I've always wanted to be able to do.  And I'm just so elated that I finally have the opportunity and the means.  So thank you, from the bottom of my little makeup-loving girl's heart.   

Makeup Artist Louisiana, Makeup Artist Shreveport,  Beauty Blog Louisiana, Beauty Blog Shreveport,

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