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How to use Poshmark

Poshmark, poshmark app, how to use poshmark, sara's blog post

I’m not cheap. I like to spend money, when I have it. I also like to sell stuff I don’t use anymore. I love doing a closet clean out and making a little bit of cash. It’s like a reward for being organized. That’s why when I found the Poshmark App, I got super excited. It’s a free app that you can sell things on. But is not like ebay or garage sale facebook sites. This is better. It’s geared towards clothing, accessories, makeup, and shoes. Their moto: Just list, ship, and earn. Easy enough, right? Once you sell an item, they send you a prepaid shipping label. You just print it out, stick it on a box and drop it in a mail. Done.

Poshmark does charge a small fee for handling the transactions. A $2.95 flat rate for anything under $15. Over $15 and its 20% of the asking price. I usually just post an item for a little more to cover the fees. You link your Poshmark to your banking account like Paypal and then they can direct deposit the money you make. Or they can cut you a check. I haven’t had any issues using this app. I really love it.

Now for the shopping part; I’ve sold a ton of stuff but I have also bought a ton. Kate Spade, Rebecca Minkoff, Mac, Becca Swimwear, etc…I love finding beautiful things for a great deal. You can also make offers. If you want to offer less you can. And sometimes you get even better deals!

poshmark code, how to use poshmark

There is an entire communitee on Poshmark. You set up an account and follow other’s closets. You can like items and tag them to your favorites. Get notifications when they lower prices. Protected transactions and shipping. Its overall a fabulous experience. If you are looking for a platform to buy and sell gently used things, Poshmark is where its at.

Come follow my closet @saravsmua! If you sign up with my invite code PZIMA, you get 5$ free!! We can shop together.


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